Launching and Configuring Kubernetes in different platforms

Task 1: Launching Kubernetes cluster on top of AWS
Step 1: Launch instance
For launching Kubernetes cluster minimum requirement is 2 GB ram with 2 CPUs. For this purpose we have to use t3.small as a Instance type, for demo purpose we have allowed all things in the Security Group.
Choose AMI: Amazon Linux 2 AMI
Instance Type: T3.small
Security Group: allow All
Step 2: Installing minikube and kubectl
curl -LO
sudo rpm -ivh minikube-latest.x86_64.rpm

Installing Kubectl and Docker
curl -LO "$(curl -s"
chmod +x ./kubectl
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
yum install docker

Step 3: Starting minikube
- minikube start --vm-driver=none
You will may face issue that
is missing and we can not go further without this. You can use yum for installing this package.
yum install conntrack

After installing start minikube again.

- As you can see your environment is completely settled, now you can use it.
- for demo we have performed a simple practical for you.
Step 4: Running a simple PHP application in top of webserver, and exposing it to the real world.
kubectl run webos --image=vimal13/apache-webserver-php --port=80
kubectl expose pod webos --type=NodePort
kubectl get services

As you can see our webserver is been exposed, here we are using AWS, so because of public IP of Ec2 instance, everyone can connect to this site.

Step 5: As we have completed our practical let’s remove complete setup.
kubectl delete services webos
kubectl delete pods webos
minikube stop

Task 2: Launching Kubernetes cluster on top of VirtualBox
Step 1: Lab setup — requirements
Using vbox
Base OS: Windows (Not required)
Step 2: Installing minikube and kubectl
Installing minikube
Or simply go to,
Installing kubectl for windows
curl -LO
Or go to,
for different type of OS.
Step 3: Starting minikube
minikube.exe start — driver=virtualbox — kubernetes-version=v1.20.0

Now you can see one minikube OS automatically launched in your VBox.

Now you can perform same demo practical here also.
One import thing you can also login to system to manually using the default credentials for this OS.
username= docker
password= tcuser
default IP= 99.100
Eg, if you IP is then IP of your minikube OS is